
Fantasy Sports Has Me Lost

They say that sports is PVR-proof because it’s the truest form of reality television. I’m beginning to question that.

On the surface the analogy is simplistic. The outcome of sports events isn’t scripted, tested, edited, and manipulated. Writers and directors don’t decide the hero’s fate. It’s decided in the arena. You can speculate all you want, but the final buzzer is judge and jury. As a fan you want to know the outcome in real time. Not on your week off in a fit of binge watching. Save that for Game of Thrones.

Advertisers love it. Consumers follow their teams, their heroes, their home side in real time because the moment is so special in sports. It’s incomparable. Sport is real.

It’s grounded in the passion you developed as a kid. Cheering for your grandfather’s team. Worshiping that athlete who came to visit your childhood sports camp. Or a book signing. Or a chance meeting at a restaurant.

No matter how you fell in love with that team, that athlete, you had a team. You lived with them. You died with them. You prayed for their playoff chances. You cringed over their injuries. You screamed at the coach after losses. You lionized the captain after wins. They are your team.

Reality. Meet TV. It’s called sports.

I love sports because it’s simple. My team. My guy. My gal. Head to head. Face to face. 1:1. Me versus you.

It doesn’t matter who wears my colours. You’re my hero. Maybe for the night. Maybe for the season. Maybe just for one inning.

However I’m worried. Recently you have some new admirers and I’m not sure you even realize this.

They don’t cheer for your teammates. They aren’t a fan of our club. They don’t know about our playoff drought. They aren’t clamouring for the coaches’ heads. They aren’t already fantasizing about next year.

I’m struggling to describe these new admirers as sports fans. They claim they are. But when I gently prod them, they spill much evidence to the contrary. These people aren’t fans.

A fan loves her team.
A fan worships her starters.
A fan makes excuses for their coach.
A fan watches the game.
A fan argues.
A fan cheers.
A fan cries.
A fan what ifs themselves for days on end.
A fan brainwashes their children.
A fan argues with friends.
A fan ignores family members.
A fan dreams of next season. Before this year is over.
A fan can’t be bought. Sold. Persuaded. Discouraged. Hoodwinked. Influenced. Tempted. Convicted. Convinced. Flattered. Intimated. Educated. Denied.

In short. There is no way possible to understand a fan.

That’s why I love sports.
It’s also why I don’t love fantasy sports.
I don’t get it.

Here is the value proposition of fantasy sports.
Pick players from any team you want.
Base your love solely on their past statistics.
Disregard all measures of character.
Cheer for them to achieve individual success.
Disregard their teams efforts.
Express zero allegiance to the past.

Clearly I don’t get, can’t get into, am bothered by, see it as a perpetual nuisance, haven’t had any success with fantasy sports.

Candidly fantasy sports is something I don’t understand.

On the radio I don’t hear game forecasts anymore. I hear advice for draft picks.

When I’m away from the TV I can’t get scores online. I get fantasy stat updates.

My son’s groans from the TV room are based solely on the defence he’s drafted for the weekend.

I don’t know how to play fantasy if it requires me cheering for the enemy. There is only one quarterback I love. There is only one goalie I pantomime. There is only one small forward’s spot up shots I cross my fingers for. There is only one reliever I will hold off heading to the bathroom for. They all play for the same team. My team. It’s a real team. Not a fantasy team.

I’m not trying to win a pool. I don’t need in-office, online, Facebook/Snapchat/ Instagram bragging rights. There is no reason for me to aspire to win back what I bet (why bet!).

Being number one among buddies doesn’t matter. I just want my teams to win.

Fantasy isn’t fanatic. But tell that to the accountants. They are loving the advertising money that is literally altering the way sports, sports news, online reporting, videos, and highlights are packaged and presented.

Fantasy is ruining reality. Hard to believe. But I see it. If sport becomes nothing more than a glorified game of trading cards, then why bother playing the games. Why not just turn sport over to Hollywood. That may be more than a fantasy.

Missouri Football Is a True Powerhouse

Until Saturday night I had no idea of the racially fueled flareup that was occurring at the University of Missouri. In fact neither did much of the United States or the Western World.

I had no idea that the head of the Student Government had been verbally assaulted with racial taunts from some people in a pickup truck on campus. I had no idea that a swastika made from human feces had been drawn on a residence wall. I had no idea that a drunken white student had crashed a black student group’s homecoming preparations and insulted them using every word imaginable. I had no idea the university President laughed at black students from his car during a protest. I had no idea that the offer to introduce new anti-racism measures on campus and hire more black faculty was suggested by the school’s Chancellor to begin in 2016, as a means to end one protester’s hunger strike…

Did you?

If you did it was probably only after one of the most powerful student groups on campus decided to get involved. Was it the Agribusiness Club? Delta Alpha Pi? The Masters of Business Administration Association? The College Democrats? The College Republicans? The Journalism Student Council? The Economics Undergraduate Student Association? No.

It was the Missouri Tigers Football Team. More specifically the African Americans on the team. Saturday night they issued a strike ultimatum. If the school President and Chancellor did not step down, they were not going to practice, prepare, or play for the school. Less than forty-eight hours later they had won. The President, and the Chancellor, agreed to resign. That’s some fierce blitz those players threw.

Just like that.

What protests couldn’t do. What tent cities couldn’t accomplish. What emails and social posts failed to achieve. What even a hunger strike couldn’t muster, the athletes could. Because they, in this era of influencers ruling the world, knew they were influencers. They knew they had profile. They knew they had clout. They knew they had financial impact. They also knew they had their coach. He had to support them or he could say goodbye to recruiting a black athlete ever again. They knew their school faced a $1 million fine for forfeiting their next game. They knew that no football would get the alumni out of bed.

Part of me is elated. The protest had won due to this game changing threat. The bad guys, or alleged bad guys, are gone. Finally I witnessed athletes with a lot to lose, risking everything for their fellow students. It’s amazing.

Part of me is sad. I can’t believe that in 2015 an institution of higher learning, of all places, can be the scene of such backward thinking. Worse yet that it can be led by a tone deaf President who is empowered with the safety, well-being, and education of 36,000 children. I say children, because that’s what they are. Somebody’s child. You send your offspring to university and expect this man, or woman, at the top to look after them like you have.

Instead, at the University of Missouri, it took the football team to protect them.

One More Hour

How amazing was it to have one more hour in your Sunday this past weekend?

Did you remember you were going to be the recipient of this magical gift when you opened your eyes in the morning? Did you roll over and delight that your wish to sleep just a little longer wasn’t going to cost you any lost minutes? Or did you spring for the hardwood in anticipation of how much extra weekend work you could power through?

One day a year I love Daylight Savings Time.

The rest of the year I don’t get it. It seems like a concept that has past its best before date. Surely as our society has transformed from an agriculturally based economy to an app based one, the need to provide farmers with extra daylight in the morning has evaporated. You’ll agree wholeheartedly with me this week, when that demotivating shower of darkness hits you leaving the office. But on Sunday, that extra hour is a coveted treat.

How many times have you said to yourself how great it would be to have an extra hour. Just one more hour. When you’ve slept in. You’re caught in traffic. Prepping for a major presentation. Racing to the airport. The 25 hour day is not just the dream of the procrastinator. Very few of us would turn it down.

I often say the same to myself. Why did I sleep in. Why did I stay up so late watching movies. Why didn’t I come home earlier from that event. There are so many times when you realize you wasted an hour. An hour that probably wasn’t as valued as it should have been until it’s gone.

So how did you spend your extra hour this weekend? Did you do something that made it worthwhile.  Or did you waste it.

I wonder what we would do if we were granted an extra hour, every day, for the rest of our lives. Think about that.

Would you sleep longer.
Would you exercise.
Would you work overtime.
Would you read.
Perhaps you would write that book.
Or at least a few letters.
Started those French lessons.
Those cooking classes.
That forgotten wine tasting course.
Finished those piano lessons.
Pick up a guitar.
Visited your parents.
Played with your kids.
Talk with a friend.
Make a few new ones.
Visit with some old.
Cleaned your attic.
Build a shed.

It’s amazing the good for you things that seem so attainable if we had these magical minutes.Yet, you lament that getting going on many of these ideas is just a dream. There never will be time to get fit. To read. To eat well. Sleep better. Live longer.

But that hour is already here. We were given it the day we were born and we will posessss it until the day we die. It’s just that often we squander it. Waste it. Lose it in the never land of good intentions.

But it’s out there. We just have to seize it. Pick it. Protect it. We can take that hour, to do want we dream of. Everyday. Whether it’s chasing a promotion at work, a new personal hobby, or a commitment to others.

One More Hour. It’s here every day. Just don’t wait another year for it to come.

The Talent Game

In the two seconds between the ball leaving Josh Donaldson’s bat, and the first base umpire signalling that would be the Blue Jay’s final out of 2015, I had emphatically killed my TV and threw the remote across the room in one violent motion.

My actions joined a collective anguished scream of thirty million Canadians expressing their agony. The thrilling ride of the Blue Jays World Series quest was over.

I was so crushed I rudely couldn’t make small talk about it come Saturday. Wasn’t interested in analyzing poor coaching strategy, misplayed bunts, and costly defensive decisions. I was neck deep in the unwritten sports rule of a twenty-four hour limit for mourning a loss. Two days later my dark cloud of despair is slowly, very slowly, lifting and allowing for more mature reflective thinking to permeate my thoughts.

As Jays media pundits, sports insiders, and fans began to combine their dissection of what went wrong with speculation about next year, they will all come back to one common denominator. Talent. Who will be around in 2016? Who were the key contributors in 2015? How much was our success the result of the core team built in spring training? Or should all the accolades go to the trading deadline arrivals who seemingly sparked the marvelous run to glory? No matter what side of this debate you fall on, there is no question of the foundation of the debate. Talent wins.

You don’t have to look much further than the Jays or our recent federal election to see the impact of talent on almost any type of organization. As the Tories point accusatory fingers at one another for their historic collapse, the critiques of their campaign management braintrust are almost as loud as the kudos directed to the Liberal backroomers. In overly simplistic terms this election will be regarded as a textbook case where (apparently) one group of very smart people was able to outsmart another group of also (apparently) very smart people. The net result is political history.

You may not be a fan of the oft repeated sports to political machine to business analogies that I have so clumsily added to. But it’s undeniable in my mind. Talent wins on the field, in the boardroom, and at the ballot box. Open any twenty business magazines and the proof is right in front of you. Top 30 Under 30 lists. Best Marketers designations. Top rated CEO in the world research. Each of these three are on the covers of some of the top publications in October alone. Beyond the headlines and covers, there is more emphasis on talent in the business press than ever before.

Go to any conference in the world and I guarantee you will hear more than one speech that starts with a reference to the rate of change or digital impact on the world. Not only is that the go to line of a mediocre public speaker, it masks the real change in the world. The nerds have taken over.

I use the nerd word for impact and it’s rude of me to do so. What I really mean is smart people have taken over. Historically the world has been governed by the biggest people, the bravest fighters, and the most barbaric leaders. Over time that translated to a self-created concept of royalty which then dissipated into a falsehood called democracy, which really was a mask for the rich and powerful to rule as they saw fit.

But today there is a new weapon that is more powerful than brawn and more sustaining than wealth. Intelligence. Competence. Resilience. Talent. The change that the boring speaker you saw last week referred to isn’t in the outputs residing as apps on your mobile phone or drones flying in your warehouse. It’s the creators and innovators behind these products have now been given an opportunity to impact the world. Call them what you want. Geniuses. Serial Entrepreneurs. The next Steve Jobs. Makers. They are here and they have taken over.

Which is a good thing for your organization, your career, the educational choices of your sons and daughters. The old rules of the game are disappearing and the new rules are much like the famous quote from the movie Fight Club. Rule # 1 is there are no rules.

Talent wins. That should be the game plan for your organization just as is it is for the World series finalists.

The T1 Agency

Friends and Partners of TrojanOne,

What a difference 21 years can make.

We’ve grown from a little grassroots company focused on printing banners and setting up tents (albeit the best damn tents in Canada), into a fully integrated, idea-first agency that works with some of the most prestigious brands in the nation.

We’ve built a world-class creative department and brilliant account management teams. We have an industry-leading consulting division, and our evolved capabilities span everything from video production to brand identity.

It’s been a massive transformation – not just for us, but also for the entire industry. And looking around our office, I can honestly say that we bear little resemblance to the company I founded in 1994. That’s just a byproduct of growth. But when you can no longer recognize your own identity, it’s time to form a new one.

That’s why TrojanOne has officially become T1 – the agency that puts thinking first, every single time.

It’s a simple philosophy. When you put thinking before anything else – before logistics, restrictions, and fears – you end up with big, bold ideas that truly scale. Ideas that can come to life just about anywhere, in ways you’ve never seen before. That’s the kind of work we love, and it’s exactly the kind of mentality that will continue to get our clients promoted.

So, here’s our promise to you:

Before we do anything – before we sign off on a brief, start crunching numbers, or worry about how big the logo is – we’ll always put thinking first, and we’ll always challenge you to do the same.

Welcome to T1.


Mark Harrison
President, T1

Hop on (Trevor) Noah’s Arc (sic)

Thanks to Just for Laughs I have seen more than a lifetime’s worth of great stand-up, exotic dance, puppet theater, performing troupes, political commentators, and raunchy comics.

None of which could have prepared me for the wizardry of Trevor Noah who headlined JFL42 at the Sony Centre this past weekend.

Admittedly I knew nothing of Noah except for this:

  1. He is South African.
  2. He is Jon Stewart’s replacement on The Daily Show.
  3. He is the same shade as me.

What I learned on Saturday was this:

  1. He could be the funniest man alive.
  2. He could be more popular than Stewart.
  3. He could be a global voice for change.

Over the next few days, Noah will go from relatively unknown in North America to star of one of the best late night shows around (so I’m told). But his background, talent, and conviction are going to amplify his impact to much farther than the boundaries of a flatscreen television.

Let’s begin with his background. Noah was born as a mixed race child in a South Africa that still deemed it illegal for whites to procreate with blacks. Raised by his black mother, he faced all the atrocities you can imagine of being poor and abused in an apartheid ruled township. His mother was jailed for birthing Noah. She later was shot twice by her ex-husband (not Noah’s father) and saved from death only by the jamming of his gun. Her ex received a measly three years of “corrective supervision” and later threatened to kill Noah.

Noah was a superstar in Africa. He is an immensely smart man who speaks six languages and his intellectual gifts allowed him to attend private school as a child. As a comic he has everything you could wish for. The dramatic outrage of a Richard Pryor. The multi-ethnic platform of a Russell Peters. The physical abilities of a Chris Rock. All wrapped up in a Louis CK type on-stage bravery.

But what thrilled me most about Noah was how he speaks his mind. To call him a comedian or a TV host would be demeaning. He is a man who has sensed the magnitude of the vehicles he has commandeered and he intends to use them. He rails against racism. He explains the illogic of the news media’s coverage of crimes. He admits his own prejudices. He calls upon the audience to not judge. He literally shouts out for a world where we perhaps can all get along.

I had this odd feeling watching him that this man, who has literally been thrust into my imagination overnight, will someday become the second most infamous South African to impact the world. He is just thirty-one years old. He is admittedly a willing workaholic. His motivation comes from a legacy of persecution. He seems, to me, unstoppable.

Award Show Envy

In the marketing industry, agency people pretend that award shows don’t matter. That’s the party line they like to tell themselves, and clients, until they don’t win. Then the truth quickly reveals itself.

That was me last week at the Promo! Awards.

Despite going into the event knowing that none of our several nominations had won, I still invested heavily in tickets for my team. I felt amply prepared to deal with the fact that work I knew was great, and had the business results to prove it, was trumped by work others had deemed greater. But I was wrong.

Losing, even when understood in advance, fundamentally sucks. As professional as I should be given my role in the industry, the outcome still triggered a significant and negative reaction in me. The winners in our categories did not appear to be better than our candidates, or generate more meaningful business impacts. Some of the winners I felt were not appropriately qualified to be entered. My frustration was compounded by various judges sequestering me to apologize that this entry or that didn’t reach the podium, despite their personal advocacy for our submission.

All that adds up to a serious case of award show envy.

It didn’t stop me from congratulating the winners. It didn’t stop me from being impressed by the Best in Show and several other medalists. It didn’t stop me from being so inspired by the creativity of the work that all I wanted to do was start writing our next project brief. It didn’t stop me from wanting to do better for my clients and walk the stage with them in future years.

Win or lose, there is tremendous value in award shows. The right shows. Those that award winners based on business results. Those that showcase your industry to participants, clients, suppliers, talent, and media alike. Those that are well attend, curated, and produced.

Award show entries are expensive, time consuming, and contentious. Yet the exercise of seeing your work through the eyes of others is an invaluable payoff for the investment. There is no greater motivator than pain. So watch out award shows, we are on a mission to do even better work. Not just because trophies matter, but because of what they represent.

My Nomination Pitch

The United States is bearing witness to fierce nomination campaigning right now.

Party representatives are being faced with tough choices of unknown candidates, disgraced former governors, religious zealots, racist bullies, and mysterious managers of government email records.

But there is another more important nomination campaign being waged. This one is for the privilege and honour of being a presenter at the 2016 South by Southwest Conference. For that important race, I have thrown my hat in the race along with my running mate, IMI International’s legendary Don Mayo.

To call Southby a conference is a bit like calling Burning Man a concert. SXSW is a dizzying circus of presentations, events, stunts, panels, parties, pitching, schmoozing, films, concerts, networking, demonstrations, workshops, learning, and food trucks. Any event held in Austin, Texas must include reference to their food trucks.

I have been twice and wish I had started attending a decade ago. It is in a nutshell, the conference every marketer needs to hit at least twice. Why twice? The advice I was given prior to my first Southby was to expect nothing out of it. Just learn the lay of the land.

Those particular advisor givers were both right and wrong. SXSW is overwhelming. It takes a first visit to figure it out. Maybe more. But I did get a lot out of it Year 1 and even more Year 2.

If I was to highlight one takeaway it would be the people. There are venture capitalists attending, social media influencers, celebrities, agency staff, baby faced entrepreneurs, client side stars, media, and a whole ton of wannabes.

So now in to my pitch.

I want to speak at SXSW. Why is the obvious question? Is it to build our agency’s profile? Attract new business? Recruit new talent? Yes. Yes. And Yes! Is it to feed my ego? No Answer.

But there is more to it than that. I love public speaking as you know and work harder than you might realize for every presentation I give. So I want to test my skills and see how I do on a massive stage. I want to share our agency’s learnings and client experiences, as truly it’s a passion of mine to help build our industry. I want to show off what Canada has to offer, hence my pairing up with as unique talent as this land can boast in Don Mayo. I want to meet like minded people and being front and center is a powerful magnet.

So to do all this I need your help. I need your votes. I need you to go online, create an SXSW account, and show me some love. Here is the link:

Our topic?
Moneyball: Translating Analytics into Marketing Gold

Here is the official write-up (thanks to Maria on our team!):

No industry draws as much universal passion as sports. And no industry draws as much data. When everything is measured – speed, heart rate, agility – how do you know what will actually be helpful in creating the perfect team or play? With the advancements in digital analytics and consumer research, sports marketers are now faced with a similar challenge – endless possibilities in measuring fans’ engagement and affinity. Avoid data overload. Learn how to effectively leverage data’s power to fuel your winning plays for compelling and authentic brand experiences. Get insights from more than just best-in-class cases – go behind-the-scenes with the researchers and strategists themselves. – See more at:

Now you have the link and the ask, here is my platform. If you vote for me I promise to:
1. Wear a Canadian flag when I present. Not sure where yet, but the suggestion box is open.
2. Provide copies of the presentation to all who can prove they voted for Don and me. Autographs will be extra.
3. Periscope Don and I’s rehearsal of the final presentation the night before, for your viewing pleasure. Subtitles will be sponsored by IMI wizards Neal and Adam.
4. If we get picked, I promise not to talk endlessly about it at CSFX16 in February. (Man it’s hard to type with my fingers crossed.)
5. Invite all confirmed voters who also attend our presentation at SXSW to our post presentation celebration on 6th Street. Understand of course the polite thing is for you to buy, not us.

In all seriousness, I think you know the importance of this to me and I can only say thank-you a million times over for your support.

New. And Improved?


It’s the most powerful word in Marketing.

Everybody loves New. The new smartphone. The new car. The new boutique hotel. The new condo development. The new restaurant. The new sushi place. The new library. The new teacher. The new mall. The new coffee shop. New.

New boyfriends. New neighbours. New employees. New job. New apartment. New car. New house. New condo. New shirt. New watch. New puppy. Everything seems better with those few letters tacked on.

So how come it’s so hard to get people to do new things. Change habits. Take on different approaches to work. Forget other people. What about yourself?

I personally find that NEW sounds sexy and then…the slippage starts.

I like new diets.
I love new exercise regimes.
I also love new ways of working.
New approaches to managing my day.
New apps.
New approaches to meetings.
New age business books to read.
New blogs to read.
New blogs to write.
New speeches to give.
New conferences to attend.
New ways to motivate.
New ways to communicate.

But sustaining new is hard. It requires discipline. Patience. Focus. Motivation. Maybe it requires a marketing campaign? A self-directed campaign created and consumed by the same entity. Me.

I think it’s a unique idea. Do you? Want to give it a try? I do.

Now I need to find an application. An opportunity to test it out. The beatific aspect of being in the marketing world is every day presents a new challenge. See I’m already marketing new things. So my next challenge is going to be mounted with a marketing campaign. Off I go to create a compelling proposition, find uncluttered channels, and deliver a message that will resonate. With Me!