I Dare You, America.
I Dare You to elect the Republican candidate for President. Now that you have confused the investigation of a pervert with a presidential election, you seem to be teetering towards insanity. You seem to be content with throwing all common sense out the window.
So if you want him so badly, go ahead. Make Your Day.
I Dare You to elect a man who believes that voting for him as President also grants him the power to be judge, juror, Supreme Court justice, District Attorney, and Sheriff.
I Dare You to elect a man who will abolish human rights in a way that will place your country in the annals of history alongside countless other dictatorships.
I Dare You to elect a man who will soon make Russian your official second language. The only question is whether he does before or after renaming his official residence the White Kremlin.
I Dare You to elect a man who will waste your tax money suing people who apparently didn’t paint his lobby the correct hue of pink.
I Dare You to watch new levels of Washington gridlock emerge.
I Dare You to have a leader who refuses to pay his own taxes.
I Dare You to enter his altered state of reality.
I Dare You to trade Michelle for Melania. At some point she will have to read her own speeches, won’t she?
I Dare You to elect a man who is going to lock up Hillary.
I Dare You to watch the butt kissing from all the Republicans who denounced him, but now need him.
I Dare You to allow international terror groups to run free with no fear of the world’s “police force” stepping in.
I Dare You to pull the A out of NAFTA. NATO (I know it’s “Atlantic”). The G8.
I Dare You to see how prosperous your economy is, trading with yourself.
I Dare You to watch the ineptitude.
I Dare You to watch him wear the nuclear keys around his neck like a Mr. T ornament.
I Dare You to whitewash the American Dream.
I Dare You to watch your entire high-tech community move to Vancouver, Waterloo, and Mexico City.
I Dare You to elect a man who believes that every woman in America is now his chattel and will find him irresistible. Didn’t you kill a guy in Waco who operated like that?
I Dare You to demand a re-vote as soon as possible.
I Dare You to try to immigrate to Canada. You won’t pass our vetting.
The “Dare You” segment is fantastic!!!