The Mo’ is flowing at MojanOne!
This week I personally passed the Mollenium mark in fundraising, scoring $1236.00 to date in support of Prostate Cancer research. Thanks to all of my Mo’ Bros and Mo’ Sistas who have supported me. And if you haven’t…. Well, click here and show me the Mo’ney!!!
Apparently, cracking the big M has me in something called the “Platinum Club”. That’s the trackable part of this fundraiser. But what isn’t tracked is the really important stuff. The jokes. The jabs. The conversations. The raising awareness. The office camaraderie. The teasing. The styling. The education.
In short, the Word-of-Mo’uth. Literally.
That’s the most amazing part of this fundraiser. Everywhere I go with th is silly stache, I am instantly turned into an advocate for Prostate Cancer awareness. For an entire month. Unreal!
I’m a bandwagon jumper. So a month is a long time for me. The longer it goes, the more I’m into it.
Yes, there is the personal connection as it relates to my Pops. He and my Mom were in town this week and they went to see my oldest son play hockey. For three days, that was all he could talk about. At 10, playing in front of your grandparents is like playing on Hockey Night in Canada!
Beyond that, I think it’s the first time since a disaster-like fundraiser, that I have seen so many people get jazzed by doing something so good.
My staff are all over it.
There is Lindsay, the Calgary-based intern, constantly near the top of the fundraiser leader board.
There is Pierre, in Toronto, who finally looks French.
There is Norm, in Lindsay (Ontario), who definitely looks like he is from Lindsay, Ontario.
There is Brian, who might as well give up.
There is Jody, who is “virtually unstoppable.”
The team is having a bake sale on Friday to raise money. I just donated four MLS Cup tickets for the top two fundraisers of the week. We are leaving mo stone unturned! (Pardon the prostate pun!)
Daily, I’m answering the question at every meeting, every fundraiser, every lunch, every flight and every coffee shop. “Oh, you’re doing Movember.” Perfect strangers. Tired baristas. Over-worked clients. All want to spend a few minutes joshing about the ‘stache and telling stories of what’s happening in their workplace.
When I send out fundraising appeal emails I raise as many chuckles as I do mollars! One guy I used to coach football with accompanied this picture of me with the following caption.
Calling all cars. Black & white football coach on the loose. Doesn’t like to punt. Arrest immediately.
My rivals have told me I’m going to lose business. My friends have extended their sympathy to my wife. My children want to rub their cheeks against it.
If you haven’t caught the Mo’ yet, I encourage you to do so. Prostate Cancer Canada is not a client of mine. I’m sure my actual NFP clients are shaking their heads right now over my infatuation with Movember.
But I am infatuated with this event!
Mo Harrison
PS. I’m in the Porter Lounge as I write this and two women behind me are talking about Movember.
PS2. At a “meeting” at the Irish Embassy on rue Bishop in Montreal, I spotted this poster!