Welcome to the Year of Sport in Canada.
In case you missed the announcement last Fall, our Governor General made this proclamation for 2015. It’s an announcement you should not have missed, as it could be the foundation for unrealized opportunity. Inspired by an unprecedented schedule of international sporting events to grace our land, this recognition is wildly appreciated by the sport community.
Opportunity often knocks in threes and you can maximize Year of Sport through a troika of approaches.
1. Engage Sport for a Healthier Country.
The statistics don’t lie. We are a fatter, rounder, softer, nation than we have ever been. Sport can help change that. Not just organized sport, but pickup and free play. Reducing barriers, accessibility issues, facility shortages, participation costs, parental pressures, municipal bylaws is essential. Push your politicians for a healthier Canada. Push your educators for a healthier curriculum. Push your organization to offer a healthier workplace.
2. Utilize Sport to Build Community.
For every story you hear of crazed hockey/soccer/figure skating parents, there are dozens of positive untold stories. We like to dwell on the negative, but few things build community like sport. Children build relationships beyond the brick walls of their own classroom or schoolhouse. Parents meet new friends that transcend culture, economics, or neighbourhoods. Coworkers engage in teamwork with colleagues they often only see in the lunchroom. Sport’s community building powers are ageless, boundless, and limitless. Tapping into them has to be on your 2015 resolutions list.
3. Leverage Sport to Create Opportunity.
Leading marketers recognize the power of sport to build their brands. Sponsorships, activations, special events all have been empirically proven to motivate customer channels and consumer purchase. Sport engages Canadians, connects with their passions, and builds corporate credibility. Leading municipalities recognize the power of sport to build their economies. Sport Tourism does more than fill hotel rooms. It also fills taxis, restaurants, shops, buses, trains, and planes. Leading charities recognize the power of sport to fill their coffers. Challenging events and competitions engage donors, participants, and sponsors. The gala dinner has been replaced by the epic contest. Organizations are constantly seeking unique strategies to create opportunity. Sport is a ubiquitous and powerful strategy you need to uniquely incorporate in your planning today.
The theme of the Governor General’s proclamation “Canada: A Leading Sport Nation” clearly provides the motivation for you to leverage Year of Sport in Canada.