I suppose it’s incredibly self-serving to blog about one’s own birthday.
Usually I’m dead set against much celebratory activity. It’s not that I’m attempting some elaborate form of reverse psychology. Secretly desiring a marching band or fireworks in my honour. Hopefully I’m not coming across like one of those people who say “I’m not as smart as the people who work for me”, when you know they believe they are the greatest. Nope, usually I like my birthday to be low key, personal, and intimate.
But in clear violation of these assertions, I am disclosing to you here that it’s my birthday this week. This one seems a little different than the other forty-nine that preceded it. Here is why:
1. I don’t feel 50.
2. I really don’t think I look 50.
3. I am shocked that I am 50.
4. Most people tell me I don’t act 50.
5. What does it mean to act 50?
6. Somehow I still think I’m the punk who started his own business in his 20’s.
7. My wife beat me to 50 and it doesn’t look as bad as I thought it might.
8. Fifty years ago I was born as Richard Lane Zemans. It’s true.
9. I’m eternally grateful for being adopted by Ron & Ann Harrison nearly fifty years ago.
10. Not just because it would be awkward if my name was Dick and I ran a company called TrojanOne.
11.For fifty years they have unconditionally loved me more than any parents ever could.
12. I need to do a better job for the next fifty years telling them how much I appreciate them.
13. Turning 50 has surprisingly triggered an abundance of meaning of life thinking.
14. I have finished those thoughts in an incredibly happy place.
15. I have experienced way more than fifty years of blessings.
16. But I have also made more than fifty years of mistakes.
17. I have no regrets about any of them.
18. I’ve come to realize that my first fifty years on earth have been paving the way for first fifty years of our children’s path.
19. I’m happily steaming towards fifty years of being with Karen….actually it’s only twenty, but it feels like fifty…in a good way….I am now digging myself a fifty foot hole….I owe her fifty kisses!
20. Did I mention my wife is over fifty?
21. Can you still hear me from down in this fifty foot hole?
22. But I really have had fifty years of blessings.
23. Every year I make a personal list of the 10 Greatest Happenings Last Year… this year I intend to make a 50th special edition of 50 Greatest Happenings in My Life.
24. I can still remember when I started making more than $ 50,000 a year!
25. Which is amazing given I’ve only got fifty strands of hair left on my head.
26. I can also remember the pride when my agency exceeded 50 staff.
27. I look forward to the day when my agency turns 50.
28. I look forward to the day when my kids turn 50.
29. I didn’t write this blog to shamelessly plea for presents or platitudes.
30. Although my dog Prince has promised me a birthday kiss.
31. My cat Apollo will just ignore me like he does any other day.
32. Disappointed on my 50th that I will weigh in at around 206.
33. I have been on a 50 month tear to get under 200 pounds.
34. I can still do 50 push-ups.
35. I can’t do 50 chin-ups, but I never could.
36. I should do 50 situps.
37. I can run for fifty minutes.
38. I read more than fifty minutes a day.
39. I workout more than fifty minutes a day….every day!
40. I love to give fifty minute presentations at conferences.
41. My staff will tell you I can babble for more than fifty minutes In a meeting.
42. My staff will also tell you I’ve been known to order shooters in trays of fifty.
43. I plan to still do so if you’re coming to a TrojanOne event.
44. I have a feeling 2015 is going to be the best year ever for TrojanOne!
45. I have a feeling 2015 is going to be my best year ever.
46. I love what I do and wish everyday was 50 hours long!
47. Don’t ask me when I’m going to retire, the answer is never.
48. Don’t ask if I plan to sell my agency, the answer is never.
49. I plan on living at least another 50 years.
50. Promise not to blog about my birthday again until the second fifty arrives! (Will there be such a thing as a blog on January 16, 2065?)